How we met ...

Weihnachten rückt immer näher und wer würde nicht gern im Schnee feiern. Da wir wahrscheinleich noch eine Weile auf den Schnee warten müssen, möchten wir euch trotzdem schon ein wenig auf die winterliche Zeit einstimmen. Anna aus der 8b hat hierzu eine schöne Kurzgeschichte im Winter geschrieben. Wir freuen uns über eine weitere Künstlerin an unserer RaK und wünschen euch viel Spaß beim Lesen!

"Angela, how did you and Max first met?"

"Oh darling, that was destiny. I will tell you. It was on a very, very snowy day in New York City and I wanted to fly back home but because of the snow all flights were cancelled and I had to catch a cab. Luckily I got one with the prettiest and nicest taxi driver in the whole universe. It was your father. I asked him if he could drive me to any hotel that had available rooms and he said: 'I hope I will find something that is as beautiful as you.' I laughed and we talked all the way. We had much time because there was a big traffic jam. Lots of angry people who wanted to get away from the airport. I couldn't tell that about me. I was happy all time. So as we arrived I only thought of Max and I totally forgot to take my saxophone with me. I went into the cutest hotel, your father picked out for me. He realized that I forgot it, ran after me and brought it back. I smiled and thanked him. Then he asked me on a date. I said: 'I thought you'd never ask.' After that we went to Central Park to go ice skating. It was magical. I will never forget this day."


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